3 Doors Down with special guests Candlebox came to party Wednesday night at the Michigan Lottery Ampitheatre (Freedom Hill) in Sterling Heights, Michigan and the celebration was on. Fans were ready to take a step back in time starting at 7:30 sharp with the Seattle band Candlebox. Candlebox is promoting the 30th Anniversary tour which is slated to be the bands last US tour along with the release of their final farewell album via Round Hill Records on August 25th titled “The Long Goodbye”
Opening up the 11-song set with “Don’t You” the fans in attendance were suddenly back in the 90’s and loved every minute of it. Having covered the band three times, I can say it’s never a dull moment like you get at concerts every now and then. Founding member and frontman Kevin Martin took the time to thank Michigan for the love over the last three decades. Highlights from the set came when songs like “You” got the crowd all charged up only to send them over the top with every one’s favorite tune including mine “Far Behind” the roar could be heard in all surrounding cities nearby, I mean come on now you have some major goosebumps don’t you, if not check your pulse.
If this is truly the last time for Candlebox I want to say thank you for all the memories you brought us, thank you for bringing us up when we were feeling down, and thank you for making the soul feel good the power of music is like no other your legacy will live on forever. To be honest it was a great night all around catching up with childhood school friends and briefly chatting with former Candlebox guitarist Mike Leslie who was in attendance supporting the boys. Checkout the tour in a city near you and be taken back in time.
Candlebox farewell stop at the Michigan Lottery Ampitheatre Wednesday night

Fans had a little time to gather themselves before the 9:00 hour, as we walked back to the pit from the VIP area you could visibly see the hill was packed coast to coast and very vocal at that. The lights went down and the Mississippi band 3 Doors Down took to the stage opening up with “Pop Song” packed full with guitar shreds a great rocking opening track. Before getting into the next song “When I’m Gone” 3DD frontman Brad Arnold took time out to mention “Away From The Sun” has always been a personal favorite of mine making note how much it resonated with our country’s service members receiving a huge roar from the crowd adding Michigan as always been a favorite stop to tour. Well said Brad we are the home of rock n roll no question about it. The stage was your basic setup with enough room to roam as you wish complete with the American flag always proudly displayed on tour and even having some lucky fans watch on stage and take it all in.

The 19-song set is a rock lover’s dream come true with hits like “Hear without You”__ “Ticket to Heaven”__ and “Changes” to name a few. Arnold definitely owned the stage for the evening as he always does you felt the love indeed 3DD nation was rocking the love right back. Ending the evening on a high note the encore was fire slowing it down first with “Landing in London” only to get you all lathered up again with their most iconic song “Kryptonite” all in attendance with smiles from ear to ear and horns high above making their way to the parking with some cars blaring 3DD not wanting the night to end. You can catch this amazing tour in a city near you. Click here for more on that. Keep rocking America you’re not dead and neither is Rock N Roll until next time.