The Banshee Season Tour ’23 made a stop in Sterling Heights, Michigan Saturday night. The Counting Crows along with their buddy’s and special guests Dashboard Confessional wowed the packed house. This being my first time covering the Counting Crows I totally was digging it. Opening things up for the evening Dashboard Confessional took the stage at 7:30 to a well-received ovation from the nice sized crowd who showed up early. Opening up the 12-song set up with “Don’t Wait” a nice way to set the tone before “The Sharp Hint of New Tears” frontman Chris Carrabba addressed the crowd.

Chris makes mention that he sent his kids off to sleep camp aka summer camp and said tonight I have no responsibilities, tonight I will be hanging out with you guys after the set I fell 30 again the crowd was totally down with that. The setlist was very well-balanced pleasing all DC fans. Other crowd favs from the set were “Vindicated” and “Screaming Infidelities” before closing with a badass jam “Hands Down” The highlight of the night for DC came when… you will have to check out the Counting Crows review below to find out.
Dashboard Confessional at the Michigan Lottery Ampitheatre
The time was finally upon us one by one the Counting Crows take the stage frontman Adam Duritz coming out last greeting the crowd then stepping back to sit on the drum riser taking in the moment before standing up and getting things going with “Round Here” Like I mentioned above it was my first time covering the band and i noticed Adam Duritz is an emotion kind a singer meaning a lot of hand gestures along with the facial expressions to the hands in the pocket all flowing to the beat he was singing and that was awesome to take in up close. Yeah, there those kinds of singers but not for every song. My fav from the band was the 3rd song of the night “Mr. Jones” thank you guys! A nice addition to the set was the cover by Joni Mitchell titled “Big Yellow Taxi”.

Other tracks from the set included hits like “Colorblind” along with “Anna Begins” and “Rain King” to name a few. For those of you who stayed this far with me as i mentioned above the highlight of the night came during the encore set. Adam Duritz invited out his buddy Chris Carrabba and the rest of Dashboard Confessional to jam a couple encores and the place lost their minds. Both bands broke into “So Long, So Long” and “Hanginaround” before closing with “Holiday in Spain” now that’s how you send a crowd home. You can check out the Banshee Season tour in a town near you by clicking here and do yourself a fav and come on out and support Duritz buddies Dashboard Confessional you will not be disappointed. Keep rocking America you’re not dead and neither is the music until next time.

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