Photo courtesy of Joe Orlando (Full Aceess Detroit)The band KISS announces a new world tour Wednesday, KISS is planning to launch a tour beginning next January according to Gene Simmons, he says it will go around the world and will go on for a few years. 3 years to be exact starting in January 2019 Gene went onto say It will be our most spectacular tour ever. That’s a pretty tall order to fill since Kiss does nothing but put on a great show for it’s loyal fan’s. Kiss currently has a few dates on its 2018 schedule, all in July in Spain and Portugal. Since 1973 when the band was formed Kiss has been no stop for year’s and as they say all good things come to a end. We shall see on that, but I have a feeling after another 3 year run it finally maybe time to hang up the makeup, dragon boots, and pyros. You wanted the best you got the best but, you’ll have to wait so stay tuned.